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How does one become an author? Each path is different, but mine began over thirty years ago when I developed the literature-inspired language arts program, Total Language Plus, during our homeschooling years. My goal was not publication, but a desire to use literature to teach my children to think and communicate well. To that end, I read many, many books, looking for the best ones to include in our homeschool. Like many authors I am first of all a reader, sometimes looking to be transported to another time and place, sometimes looking for something to challenge my thinking.

My first novel was written for middle schoolers, but realizing my skills were better suited for writing women’s fiction, my literary agent, Tamela Hancock Murray, led me to the path of inspirational historical romance. I delight in doing the research, and such stories provide an avenue to share the perfect love of our perfect Heavenly Father. I am blessed indeed.

Photo of Barbara Tifft Blakey