So glad you stopped by! I’d love to offer you a cup of coffee or tea. We could sit outside on my deck (in the summer) or by the crackling wood stove (in the winter) and get to know one another. I’d ask what you like to read, what books you’ve read recently that spoke to you, what frustrates you about novels. You’d answer my questions and tell me about your life. I’d listen as you speak of your hardships, victories, and dreams. Chances are our conversation would be interrupted by a grandchild or two needing help to tie a shoe or get a drink of water.
At some point—perhaps early on, perhaps later—we’d share ways our Heavenly Father has impacted our lives. As we tell our stories, we’d laugh or shed a tear, and because of our commonalties we’d part as friends, eager for the next time we might meet.
A wise mentor said that an author must always consider her reader first and foremost. To know what is important to her. To understand what resonates with her on a deep level. That’s the kind of author I want to be—able to set aside my own agenda to speak to the hearts of women.
For now, we’ll have to be satisfied with indirect communication. I leave you with this prayer from Numbers 6: “May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious toward you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
You can contact me via responding to my posts, emailing me at blakeybarbara@gmail.com, or writing to me at PO Box 12622, Olympia, Washington 98508. I look forward to hearing from you!