Happy Place: Mount Rainier
Photo of Mt. Rainier
I am not a temperamental author. As long as no one directly interrupts me, I can write anywhere. There are a few places, however, that bring joy to my spirit and the words flow more easily. My husband, Terry, and I are at one of those places in the shadow of Mt. Rainier. Our church helps support a camp outside of Mineral, Washington called Pleasant Valley Christian Camp.
This Memorial Day weekend is “Serve Camp.” Christians from churches throughout the area gather every year at this time to ready the camp for the busy summer ahead. Terry clears paths with his chain saw and fells dangerous trees. I help in the kitchen. But I’m not always in the kitchen. Between meals, I sneak away to absorb the beauty of God’s creation. I am reminded of Psalm 121: 1 - 2. I lift my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
I had forgotten how much later spring arrives in the mountains, than where I live. Trilliums and wild Easter lillies are thriving under the massive cedar, spruce, and Douglas fir trees. Ferns are barely uncurling their fronds. Birds and insects dominate the air.
And as I sit here, surrounded by the Creator’s handiwork, I feel His blessings in ways I don’t in my office. I feel a special relationship as I reflect our universe came into existence through the spoken word. As a writer, the power of words connects me with my Father in a profound and unique way.
Chapter seven’s first draft of my “work-in-progress” is complete, waiting for the editing that will begin with tomorrow’s sunrise. But for now I will breathe in Elohim’s craftsmanship. And leave you with this passage from Psalm 19: 14, my prayer for you and I: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.